I’ve been living with large Fibroids as they’ve been growing and taking over my uterus, which now is the size of a 4-5 month pregnancy.

They are not pretty and they are painful. Which is why I haven’t talked about them. It’s why so many women stay silent about their Fibroids… even though by 50 years old 70% to 80% of women are diagnosed with them.

Fibroid Pain Uterus Removal

I’ve recently decided to take action and have surgery on September 14th. Three weeks to what women in my fibroid tribe call “eviction day”.

I’m sitting here in so much pain and discomfort and physical exhaustion trying to imagine and believe that this may actually be the LAST time I have extreme PMS. I’m approaching my last menstrual cycle. My last moon blood.

I am woman.
Hear me roar!

Sometimes I’m in disbelief that this pain will go away after my uterus is removed.

Sometimes I find myself taking deep sighs thinking about having my scared womb removed from my body.

I don’t desire to have my womb be removed. It’s a sacred space where I carried my children.

And I know it’s time. I know I’m at choice to not have to live with this pain and discomfort anymore. It’s time.

The amazing women from The White Dress Project have inspired me to begin to share my story, knowing every woman’s journey with Fibriods can serve as a source of motivation and hope for other women with similar conditions.

I am ready to not look and feel 5 months pregnant with fibroids.

I am ready to release this pain.

I am ready to help increase the awareness of Fibriods to help other women.

I am ready to be a voice for womb wisdom for women who no longer have physical wombs.



P.S. And don’t even get me started on the root of the word Hysterectomy. I’ll have to save that for another post. Hysterectomy is no longer part of my vocabulary. I’m having a sacred womb removal.