Happy Women’s Global Happiness Day!

Today women are gathering all over the world for this global event! There are over 90 Women’s Global Happiness Day events happening in over 18 Countries on 6 Continents where women are standing up to choose happiness!

This global movement is bringing women together to rebuild sisterhood, to lift each other up, to say no more to feeling unworthy and to say no more to exhaustion and negative self talk. Today we are taking a stand to say YES to joy and happiness! For more information and to get involved, visit www.womenshappy.com.

I’m holding my Women’s Global Happiness Day circle on Sunday to celebrate women’s voices in my local community and to invite women to take a stand for their happiness! We’ll be creating Happiness Portraits to remember what nourishes our souls and brings us joy… plus I’ll be using positive psychology interventions to help women embody the essence of joy and happiness.

Update: This is the altar I created for the center of my circle.

What is Women’s Global Happiness Day?

A day dedicated to eradicate women’s depression. A day for every woman alive to claim that she’s worthy of joy, self-love, and fulfillment. A day for women to gather together, as sisters, to celebrate and honor what it means to be a whole woman. Where we support each other by reinstating sisterhood and community, educating ourselves about the science of women’s happiness and empowering one another by creating a whole new definition of womanhood and happiness!

According to Carin Rockind, one of the main reasons women are suffering from unprecedented depression is loneliness. “We’re isolated trying to live our perfect lives. Research shows that women need authentic connection with other women to thrive. Women’s Global Happiness Day events offer proven tools to help you become unstuck and happier in life”.

Meet the Founder of Women’s Global Happiness Day

My dear soul sister and friend, Carin Rockind, created Women’s Global Happiness Day after suffering severe depression following her second miscarriage last fall. As a women’s life purpose coach, speaker, and expert in positive psychology: the science of human flourishing, she felt called to eradicate this epidemic because women’s happiness matters.

Carin has been passionate about empowering women her whole life. Statistically twice as many women are depressed as men, and recent research has shown that despite more opportunity, women are unhappier today than we were 30 years go. Carin herself has suffered from depression and anxiety throughout her life and time and time again, comes back to the simple fact that when we know and love ourselves, when we live true to ourselves, when we allow ourselves our real heart’s desires and let ourselves live fully, we’re happy. We’ve just been told that we’re wrong for having emotions, for having a belly, for having grey hair, for wanting big dreams, for wanting to stay home – pretty much, we’ve been told we have to be perfect according to someone else’s standards and it’s not working.

Carin is taking a stand for women’s happiness because she knows we deserve better than this! Women impact every child, community, business, and country… so when we allow ourselves joy; the world will heal and change.

Learn more about Carin at CarinRockind.com