Without getting into the what, where, and how… this is the wisdom I was grateful to embody last week.

Be spontaneous!

Be silly.

Live with your heart wide open.

Allow people to see you.

Follow your intuition + instincts.

Be playful and thoughtful.

Surprise people with loving affection.

Receive affection.

Laugh more.

Sing a lot more!

Listen to music you love more often.

Spend time with people that make you smile.

Follow your heart and your body’s guidance.

Be adventurous.

Above all else, be yourself.

Spend time in nature and near water.

Ignite all of your senses.

Listen, share, and be vulnerable.

Be cautiously daring.

Don’t let fear stop you.

Release with joy.

Pleasure matters.

Allow yourself to be surprised.

Allow yourself to enjoy the present moment.

Allow yourself to be held.

Allow yourself moments of having your breath taken away.

Be a judgement free space for others to authentically show up.

Breathe in rainbows.

Have picnic dinners under the moonlight.

Watch the sunset.

Eat chocolate and peanut better.

Allow the mystery to unfold with grace and ease.


