Soul Alignment Living
with Stacey Hoffer

A private 1:1 one day intensive for women ready to live in alignment with their heart and soul.

Magical Tools for Manifesting

For years I have been studying sacred and magical tools of SOUL ALIGNMENT and have seen this tools transform lives for so many women. At the same time, I’ve also seen so many other women unhappy with their lives… letting the mundaneness of life consume (this is how I used to be too before I was introduced to this Soul Alignment technology).

Ancient Wisdom

I simply can no longer keep this wisdom to myself. I have been called to share this wisdom and these ancient tools with as many women as possible!

Visioning and Dreaming

You are invited to spend the day with me as I guide you through a fun and powerful visioning and dreaming process that will help you tap into your heart and soul desires.

Slow Down and Create Spaciousness

You will spend the day in a beautiful and peaceful sanctuary that will give you the spaciousness you need to vision and dream about your heart and soul desires. There will be time for us to deepen together and time just for you. This day is all about you identifying, discovering, and remembering all that you want to be, do, have and feel.

Bring Your Desires to Life

And you’ll leave with a beautiful handmade piece of art that captures your heart and soul desires (no previous artwork is necessary).

Live in Alignment with Your Heart and Soul

If you want to live in ALIGNMENT with your heart and soul, you have to journey Inwards. Now is the time. Let me show you how.

Wondering if a full day soul alignment living

intensive is the right choice for you? Then let’s talk!


If it feels like you are not living the life you were born to live, choose to journey inwards, to find the answers inside your heart and soul that are ready to be revealed and remembered!

JOIN ME FOR AN EXPERIENCE that will realign you with your heart and soul desires, leaving you free to shine your radiant light and bring your dreams & desires into form!

Much love,

Stacey Hoffer
Founder of Soul Alignment Living