Part One: At Harpo Studios Before the Live Webcast
I have been so excited to be in Oprah’s live studio that I literally had to meditate every morning this week just to contain all the joyful energy dancing inside of my body.
Bright Clothes Are Required
The entire experience started around 2:30pm when I went shopping for my required “bright” top to wear to the event. Most of my tops are black, so I picked a purple sweater to wear Wednesday night. By 4:30pm I drove down to Harpo Studios, giving myself plenty of time to manage Chicago’s afternoon traffic.
At 5:30pm I check in at security, received my Harpo Studios visitor badge, and connected with my sister bloggers @MissLori and @Momonashoe.
Meeting Sheri Salata
After checking on FourSquare, we met the president of Harpo Studios and the star of Oprah Behind the Scenes, Sheri Salata. She is so friendly, calm, and down to earth considering all of the pressure she is under to help OWN succeed.
Hanging Out in the Green Room
At 6pm, our amazing “point of contact” greeted us and took us into the green room (which, by the way, is never green). We relaxed, watched the Rosie show (live), and heard some behind the scenes scoop about Harpo Studios.
One thing I learned…Oprah tweets her own tweets. So if you are following her, know it’s the real deal!
Around 6:20pm we went into the studio.
It was intimate and small than what it looks like on TV. My heart jumped a beat when I saw my name on a reserved seat (it doesn’t take much to make me feel special). We sat just in front and to the right of the producers table so we could access their plugs to charge out mobile devices (iphones, ipads, laptops, etc).
By 6:30pm we were watching Wednesday night’s episode of Oprah’s Lifeclass “Becoming What You Believe”.
Ah-Ha Lessons From the Show: You Become What You Believe
Here are the top ten lessons Oprah shared during the show…
- Believe you are worthy.
- It is your birthright to be happy.
- Visualization works if you work hard.
- Visualize your success and then take action!
- Society doesn’t get to choose what you believe in.
- Begin to unleash the beautiful and dark beliefs living inside of you.
- Hold on to your beliefs. They are precious gems and maps to your soul.
- Once you know what you believe, don’t let anything or anyone compromise it.
- Don’t give up! YOU are a genius! Get ready to watch your dream unfold.
- Listen quietly to what you believe in and to what your ideas are. You just may have a gem hidden inside your thoughts.
I loved being in the studio.
When I was at the studio, I knew I was born to be there, helping Oprah and her team, inspire the world with the magic of social media.
After we watched the show, we had a 20 minute break and the producers prepped us for the live webcast. They told us we could raise our hands and ask questions during the webcast!
I had no idea what kind of question I would ask, but I immediately knew I would not let this opportunity pass by!
And Then I Met Oprah
My next post will be all about the webcast and how I got to meet Oprah!

[…] The last time I felt pure joy—without guilt—was when I was live tweeting at Harpo Studios during one of Oprah’s webcasts. I can continue to have more of that kind of joy by pursing […]
I finally had a chance to watch my DVRed Lifeclasses with my 11-year-old daughter yesterday — amazing and inspiring! We loved the segment about the mom with 9 kids getting a new home and toy shopping spree. At the end, we were both sobbing because we were so moved! (Poor kid inherited my weepy ways.) I love your recaps because I am to lazy to take notes from the couch.
I am especially thrilled for you! I would have soiled myself in that reserved seat!
LOVE your new show
LOVE LOVE LOVE your new show
Love the Life Classes. Oprah is so inspiring. Thanks to the phenomenal shows I completed my first book. “Life Speaks to you In Whispers” is published and available on the Kindle.
Wish me luck!!!
Tamila – This is so exciting! Thanks for sharing. YOU are the inspiration!