my heart is fullToday is a good day. My heart is full & heavy all at once. My mind is focused. My Inner Critic is whispering “you haven’t done enough”. My Inner Wisdom is whispering “You’ve only just begun”. I’m aware of my full range of thoughts and emotions and I’m owning them all.

My heart is full knowing people around the world are starting A Year Of Self-Love today – a 12 month path and practice of giving themselves what they need (without guilt), being kind, supportive, and gentle with themselves, trusting their inner wisdom, and choosing to stay true to themselves, no matter what.

My heart is also heavy, feeling all the women, men and children around the world who are overwhelmed, stuck in unhealthy or unhappy relationships, have no time for fun, doubt and compare themselves, hate on their bodies, let fear drive their choices, or feel unlovable, unloved & unworthy… all signs of a weak self-love foundation.

Wherever you are today, and whatever your challenges and struggles are, know you are not alone. Take a moment to beam and stream love to your heart today. Slow down for a moment to feel the love and let it soak in. Do this for yourself, for your mental health, for children in your life, and for the world.