I’ve been inspired to start creating videos based on the Mental Health Coaching and Emotional Wellness Coaching I’m doing with Lyra Health.

Today I want to talk about a better and healthier option other than trying to control the people in your life. And I’m going to sure one best practice I used with my Mental Health Coaching clients that you can implement immediately to let go of trying to control other people.

And trust me, I personally know how great it would be IF WE COULD JUST CONTROL other people’s actions. All would be good in the world, right?

But in reality, you can’t control the behavior of others.



P.S. Below I transcribed some of the highlights from this video…

I know not having control over other people can sometimes be disappointing and really frustrating, but the good news is that you do have control over your actions.

Focusing on what you can actually control can help move you out of victim mode and into a strong place of self-empowerment.

One thing I know for sure is when you try to control other people, it most likely backfires, which can result in unhappiness and can add more suffering to your life.

Because you can’t control the behavior of others.

You can’t make them feel or think the way you think they should.

You can’t make them do what you want them to do.

You can only control your own behavior.

So my best practice tool for letting go of trying to control other people is to practice redirecting your focus on what you can change and control.

It’s a practice.

It’s a practice of noticing how you’re being triggered.

It’s a practice of accepting other people for who they are, even if you don’t like their actions or what they’re saying.

And it’s a practice of listening inward so you can choose your words and actions based on your values and how you really want to show up in the world.

Watch the full 3-minute video to learn more.