I Have Been Invited to Join Team Chopra!
It’s funny what happens when you pause, go deep, set an intention, and create a crystal clear vision for your life. Magical things happen. I promise.
Here’s a perfect example.
During the dreaming month of January, I spent 4 days in Sea Ranch, California dreaming and visualizing what my heart and soul desire…and what I want to do, be, have, and feel in 2014.
One of the things on my desire list was INTENTIONAL BLOGGING.
This means I want to write with purpose. Yes, I still want my blog to be a place where I can just be ME, but I also want it to EVOLVE into a space where women can go for inspiration.
I’ve been playing small here on my blog. I’ve been playing it safe by just sharing my personal experiences but not truly sharing my gifts, my wisdom, my light, and yes I’ll say it… my brilliance.
We ALL have gifts, wisdom, light, and brilliance…every single one of us. But some people don’t know how to access it. Some people live their entire lives not even knowing their gifts, wisdom, light, and brilliance even exists.
Are you ready to look inward and shine light onto your gifts, wisdom, and brilliance?
Part of intentionally blogging is mindfully choosing to work with brands, businesses, media, and organizations that support health + wellness and fuel hearts + souls. This decision fully aligns my blog with my heart and soul’s propose, which is to shift the consciousness + happiness of women (especially moms) around the world.
This intention came to me during a deep visioning session. And then I did 6 things…
- I wrote down my desire.
- I said my desire out loud.
- I shared my desire with a circle of women.
- I allowed my desire to be witnessed and heard.
- I read my desire every morning during my daily practice.
- And then I let it go, sending it out to the Universe, like sending ships out to sea.
Then the Universe Sent Me Deepak Chopra…
And then yesterday – with grace and ease – I received an invitation to join Team Chopra… as in thee Deepak Chopra! I was invited to participate in (and review) Deepak Chopra’s new online program – Timeless You: The Biology of Youth & The Wisdom of Experience.
I asked for Intentional Blogging and the Universe sent me Deepak Chopra! I love it when magical things like this happen.
The first word that pops into my head when I think of Deepak Chopra is YUMMY. Funny, I know, but he is totally yummy. I just want to eat him up! He is a global leader and pioneer in the field of mind-body medicine and transformed the way the world views physical, mental, emotional, spiritual and social wellness.
He is one of my heroes and I’m honored to be part of Team Chopra.
I hope this is the beginning of a sustainable partnership (because another desire for 2014 is to build sustainable partnerships with brands, businesses, media, and organizations that support health + wellness and the fuel hearts + souls).
To learn more about Deepak’s new online course, Timeless You, go to www.siminars.com/

Hi! Stopping by from Mom Bloggers Club. Great blog!
Have a nice day!