Inner Peace - Well of Inner Peace

When I was younger, I struggled with burnout, overwhelm, self-doubt, and low self-confidence. When I was younger, I didn’t know how to consciously and intentionally access my deep well of Inner Peace.

Here’s the vulnerable truth

Yesterday on Instagram, I shared this vulnerable truth that I’ve never shared publicly…

In 2009, I actually had to go on medical leave from my stressful all-consuming corporate job due to mental & emotional exhaustion. The work demands were too much for my nervous system. The work I was doing was so out of alignment with the nature of my heart and soul. It felt like my soul was starving. I had NO tools to deal with the stress.

The only way out was to go on medical leave.

That’s how bad it got.

During my medical leave, I promised myself I would never allow ANYTHING to deplete my deep well Inner Peace ever again. I had no idea HOW I would do this… but this is how I began my journey to gather up all the tools and best practices that would help me RETURN to Inner Peace whenever I got thrown off my center.

I’ve gotten thrown off my center

And I’ve gotten thrown off my center many times since that winter afternoon in 2009… when I first made this promise to myself. I’ve been thrown off my center because I’m human, living on planet Earth. It’s one of many guarantees in life… we will get triggered and thrown off our center.

Expect it.

And have the most transformational basket of tools + best practices that will help guide you back to your deep well of Inner Peace.

Now I love my life and thrive in my career while embodying calming grounding Inner Peace – even in the face of fear, uncertainty, sadness, frustration, and the unknown.

Tolerate the distress

Now, when I get thrown off my center, I know how to tolerate the distress. I know how to be with, process, and release the strong emotions that show up. I let myself cry when I need to cry. Sometimes I even wail. I allow myself to FEEL.

Accessing my deep well of inner peace

Now I know how to access my deep well of Inner Peace and wrap myself up in self-compassion, even in my most darkest hours.

This week in honor May being my 50th birthday month and Mental Health Awareness month, I’ll be starting a free online series covering the best evidence-based tools and practices for finding Inner Peace in the midst of all this chaos.

More details soon!

I hope you, and your desire for more Inner Peace, will join me.