Healthy LivingHow I take care of my health is always evolving. From eating to moving my body to the supplements I take, I’m always looking to create the right mix that is best for me and my body temple. Between being a mom, a soul partner to my husband, taking care of the day to day things around the house, running my own business, and coaching women who want to clear fear + create the reality they truly desire, I need to take care of my body, mind, heart and soul every single day. And in reality, some days I do this better than other days.

So to help me stay present and create a mind-body-soul connection balance, I’m setting the following intentions for how I want to show up for myself between now and the end of the year.

#1. Back to Basic Eating


I’ve gotten lazy about cooking over the past few months… which leads to snacking + eating less than optimal food. So between now and the end of the year, I’m committing to cook enough food on the weekends that will fuel my body, mind, and spirit throughout the week. This means big pots of healthy soup, large qualities of grilled vegetables, quinoa, roasted rosemary chicken, and lots of yummy salads.

#2. Yoga + Dancing

I am recommitting to going to a yoga class at least once a week and going to a fitness dance class once a week. My body, mind, and soul feel so much better after I dance and practice yoga. I enjoy restorative yoga with mantras and meditation. For dance, I love dance classes that allow me to get my groove on while I also burn calories. I love yoga + dancing, but sometimes I simply forget to go. It still amazes me just how much I can resist what actually makes me feel so good (#StillEvolving).

#3. Daily Supplements

To help me feel my best, I’m recommitting to taking probiotics + vitamin B-12 on a daily basis. I’m also exploring taking D3 during the winter to project my body + energy from the winter blues (Thanks Shann Vander Leek for the recommendation).

What Does Healthy Living Mean For You?

New Still Evolving