Introducing The Feminine Wisdom Way

Happy New Year! I’m so excited to let you know that I’ll be the Feminine Wisdom Guide this year for The Feminine Wisdom Way, which is a feminine wisdom school that strengthens your intuition and gives you the power to live, lead, create, and operate in alignment with your feminine energy… in your work/career, relationships, health, wealth & home!

I’m offering 1:1 support within this feminine wisdom school for anyone desiring to deepen in and access ancient feminine wisdom that lives within them.

Why I’m offering this support at this time: Having a person who is walking with you side by side, holding space, working with what comes up, able to reflect the wisdom inside, is what we sometimes need to create big shift in our lives.

You’re Invited!

If you would love support, structure, and sisterhood, you are invited to join me for the EMERGE 2019 Visioning Journey & Feminine Wisdom Way Circle.

Feminine Wisdom Way

Why Join The Feminine Wisdom Way Circle?

As Christine Arylo mentions in the invitation…

“In times like these, we need access to deeper wisdom… different ways of leading and living… space to unplug from the madness matrix so we can stay in the flow.

We need spiritual, physical, & mental practices for cultivating trust, courage and clarity… to receive guidance, to follow our inner wisdom, so we can say No to distractions and trying to do too much, and can stay focused on what truly matters and is ours to do.

We need the space to listen at the start of this year and throughout the entire year.

That is what living the feminine wisdom way gives us.”

To learn more, go to


It’s time to reclaim a sacred way of creating, operating and living – one that sustains our material success, spiritual success, emotional health & relationship wealth. The time of self sacrifice is over… it’s time for self sustainability!” ~ Christine Arylo