Deeply Grateful

I am deeply grateful for being a soul having a human experience.
I am grateful for real connections that I have with soulful people in my life.
I am deeply grateful that I had the courage, trust, and heart-knowing to leave
my corporate job in 2011 to pursue and live the life my heart and soul truly desire.
I’m grateful that I have been and continue to be able to travel around the world.
I am grateful for my body and for all the ways it moves and functions.
I am deeply grateful for the women in my life… for my soul sisters.
For the women who unconditionally know me, see me, celebrate me, and love me.
I’m grateful they can see my gifts when I myself can’t see them myself.
And I’m grateful when they see me playing small and call me out on my bullshit.
I am deeply grateful for my children.
Even when they fight with each other, demand things from me,
don’t clean up after themselves, and don’t listen when I tell them to get off of screens…
I am still so deeply grateful for my children.
They are the deep loves of my life.
I am deeply grateful for being grounded and rooted into Mother Earth
while also be tapped into the larger divine energy of the Universe.
I’m grateful for having deep divine feminine wisdom.
I cannot image my life without this deep knowing.
I am deeply grateful for being a self love guide and soul alignment living coach.
I’m grateful to be able to share divine feminine super powers with other women
who desire to live in more alignment with their heart and soul.
What are you deeply grateful for?