Celebrating This Series

You may or may not have noticed that my weekly Celebrate Your Life Friday posts were missing in the month of March. For my new readers, I have been using this series to celebrate my life, to celebrate new members of the Create a Balance community, and to celebrate what I am grateful for each week.

I have been sitting at a crossroads trying to figure out what to do with this series. During my exploration, I realized I love writing these posts but I am not enjoying adding one more weekly routine into my life.

So I have decided to continue writing my Celebrate Your Life posts, but they won’t be published weekly and they won’t be on any sort of schedule.

Celebrating New Members of this Community

We are all connected.
Creative Commons License photo credit: Erica_Marshall

This list includes all of the new members to the CreateaBalance.com community since February 21, 2009. I’m excited to welcome so many new people to the Create a Balance experience.

  1. Angie Goodloe @ Authentic Mama
  2. Carole Fogarty @ The Healthy Living Lounge
  3. Patricia @ Patricia’ s Wisdom
  4. Monica @ Healthy Green Moms
  5. Jonathan @ Advanced Life Skills
  6. Julie @ Inspired to Write
  7. Jake @ Revive Your Life
  8. Peter Levin @ Tune Your Fulfilment
  9. Amanda Linehan @ Amanda Linehan
  10. Tamara @ Pretty Selfish
  11. Chris Edgar @ Purpose Power Coaching
  12. Wendy @ Sunshine Coaching
  13. Miguel de Luis @ Eldietario
  14. Darren Sproat @ Darren Sproat
  15. Dragos @ edragonu
  16. Sunny @ Seeking Mind
  17. Deborah @ Comfort Joy Designs
  18. Ivan @ IvanCampuzano
  19. Dr. Chandrajiit Singh @ Trust Meher
  20. Friar @ Deep Friar
  21. Marj @ The Way of Money
  22. Steady Mom
  23. Moja Dieta
  24. Bouchra
  25. Vanessa
  26. Nazlin

Celebrating My Gratitude Attitude

Here are my gratitude journal entries for the week.

Imaj Day Spa
Creative Commons License photo credit: Steel Wool

I am grateful for…

  • Enjoying the relaxing massage I received
  • Receiving shelter from the snow that arrived last Saturday
  • Drinking water
  • Producing the money I have in my life
  • Taking 5 minutes to meditate on Monday
  • Exercising 4 times this week
  • Thinking of my million dollar idea
  • Having my voice
  • Connecting with online moms and life coaches
  • Finding sinus medicine
  • Being married to someone that honors my “Me” time

This is Your Moment to Let Your Light Shine!

As always, I welcome you to reflect on your week,
see the goodness in your life, and share what you
are grateful for in the comments section.

Showing 20 comments
  • Hi Stacey,

    Thanks for the warm welcome as a new member! In the short time since I’ve come across your site, I come to look forward to the new articles that you post. Your gratitude list is so simple, yet it says so much.

    Here’s some of mine for the week:

    – The ability to have my wife stay home to raise the kids
    – The drive to create an online community to help others in need
    – Starbucks coffee
    – Intense exercise and quality sleep

    Jake | Revive Your Life´s last blog post..Making Smart Organic Food Choices

  • Hi Stacey,

    And thanks for letting me be part of your community. I love your gratitude attitude. I really do. Since I started my gratitude experiment 2 months ago I experienced huge shifts in my life quality.

    Keep up the good work, I appreciate and value your efforts 🙂

    Dragos Roua´s last blog post..The First 6 Months Of Blogging – Writing

  • Loved the post and pics! Jealous of the massage 🙂 and totally with you on being blessed with someone who is supportive of “me” time 🙂

    Annette´s last blog post..Friday Reminder 🙂

  • Wonderful post Stacey, and your selection of pictures are just excellent!

    My gratitude for the week include a warm house to shelter me, a car to get me from point A to point B, and my family is healthy…

    BC Doan´s last blog post..To Tweet or Not to Tweet

  • I love your gratitude journal entries.

    This week, I am grateful for eating healthy – most of the time.

  • Jake – Thanks for the feedback. Your list sounds nourishing and full of appreciation.

    Dragos – Since I started my gratitude attitude I have also experienced “huge shifts in my life quality” too.

    Annette – G-d bless the supportive husbands of this world.

    BC – It’s great to have you share your gratitude attitude with us. I love searching Flickr for pictures that speak to me.

    Vered – I appreciate your feedback. I’m never quite sure how people react to my Celebrate Your Life series.

  • Hi Stacey,

    It’s good to hear from you again. Celebrating life is one of the best things we can do to find joy and love our lives, so I’m glad you decided to continue with this series. I’m also glad that you’re doing it to your own schedule rather than being a slave to the calendar. I used to have a routine for posting too, and decided that my blog serves me rather than vice versa.

    Daphne @ Joyful Days´s last blog post..Book Review: Facing The Final Mystery

  • I love your Friday gratitudes, maybe because I’ve kept G. Journals for years.
    I’m grateful for:
    Lunch with two friends
    Finishing a 1/2 marathon
    Meeting my dauhters new friends from the gym
    April 15th being around the corner
    Daphne’s book review
    Healthy food and water

    Tess The Bold Life´s last blog post..Bold Changes for Bold People

  • Stacey,
    Thanks for the shout out! It is nice to come to your site and find the positive side and reasons to celebrate life! I had, and am still having, a crazy, busy hectic week! So, it is important to step back, take a few breaths, and find that balance! Thanks again!

    Julie M´s last blog post..How Zen Habits Influenced my Writing: The Third Person I Met In Cyberspace

  • What a lovely gratitude list. Even 5 mins meditation can do a body (and soul,) good.

    And Stacey, if you don’t mind me saying, as to your “missing posts,” I hope you won’t put any pressure on yourself to post anything in a certain order or on a very specific topic.. Just enjoy posting and sharing when you want, because whatever you write is always wonderful and enlightening, whether it is part of a planned series or not.

    Jannie Funster´s last blog post..Happy Birthday, Me!

  • Hi there Stacey! Nice list!

    I feel grateful for having freedom to pursue the things I want to pursue – and change my mind as I go along. For many years I was stuck doing things that were actually painful in some way for a living – so this is a wonderful change.

    Robin´s last blog post..Calling All Gods And Goddesses!

  • Hi Stacey

    I agree that a weekly obligation can somehow loose it’s appeal or energy. Much better to be spontaneous and creative.

    Great to see your community growing!


    LifeMadeGreat | Juliet´s last blog post..An Interview with Tom Volkar from Delightful Work

  • The Create A Balance Experience ™ — Now you’ve got a name for your two-day intensive workshop!

  • Thank you for the welcome to the community and I like the gratitude post very much.
    I am grateful that I am able to be on massage #6 of 8 in a row. They are truly making a difference for me. And I am grateful to be living in the house and spot I find perfect for me.

    I am grateful that I have found a list of foods that I can eat with out problems.
    I am so grateful to be off the last medications I was testing.
    Thank you for letting put this gratitude in a public place

    Patricia´s last blog post..Opening Day

  • Hi there,
    I am sick at home with a bad cold and headaches. I guess it’s my body telling me to slow down. So I am grateful for that and try to enjoy the lazy, getting well time on the couch watching Oprah 🙂 My mind can’t shut up though and is still thinking about all the projects I have…
    Have a great rest of the week.

    Mindful Mimi´s last blog post..Don’t underestimate the value of Doing Nothing, of just going along, listening to all the things you can’t hear, and not bothering – Winnie the Pooh

  • I like that you express gratitude for the little parts of your life. I am also lucky to have a husband who honors my “me” time. I need lots of it. It’s nice to receive support while I am in my cave. Someone needs to mind the kids!

    Have a great Easter weekend!

    Evelyn Lim´s last blog post..Transform Your Money Beliefs Free Report

  • I think this is a great series, and if you free yourself from a schedule of posting them, they will be even more powerful because they will come from the moments you are truly inspired to write them.

    ~ Kristi

    Kikolani´s last blog post..The Japanese Friendship Garden in Phoenix, AZ

  • Daphne – Thanks for supporting my choice to be more flexible with my posts.

    Tess – Great job on finishing a ½ marathon…and I’ll be sure to check out Daphne’s book review.

    Julie – Yes! Celebration and gratitude are more important than ever when you are having a crazy hectic week.

    Jannie – It is truly amazing what 5 minutes of meditation can do. It truly can reframe my outlook on life.

    Robin – I am so grateful to be able to change my mind along my journey.

    Juliet – Cheers to being spontaneous!

    Chris – Thank you for your creative suggestion!

    Patricia – Thank you for sharing your gratitude list. I’m looking forward to my next massage.

    Mimi – I have been sick lately too. I’m hope you are feeling better and it’s great to see you embrace being lazy. Sometimes we all need to be lazy every now and then.

    Evelyn – My little joys in my life are priceless.

    Kikolani – Exactly! Having this freedom is very very liberating.

  • nice post. I liked “Thinking of my million dollar idea ”

  • Stacey,

    Thank you so much for your warm welcome and link love. I appreciate that.