Wow! I am bursting with joy right now. I am now a published author… an international bestselling author! Yep! I just received an update from my publisher that my book ‘Inspiration for a [...]
Join me and Christine Arylo for an intimate and inspiring evening using the power of song, spoken word, music and meditation to stay true to yourself this year. I will be hosting the live chat [...]
I am bursting with joy right now. My life is far from perfect and I’m still able to create space to celebrate successes that happened this week. I had two amazing video interviews this week [...]
Whoosh, it’s been a busy couple of weeks, with not a lot of time to blog. I just got done being interviewed by Kim Jones for her FREE video tele-summit. I love doing these kinds of [...]
I’m taking a break from creating this morning. I’m slowing down and pausing all the manifesting/moonifesting. Instead, I’m filling my senses with gratitude. I’m [...]
I’m in the process of re-branding. That means I’m working on merging and In a way, during this re-branding process I get to reinvent [...]
I’ve been getting really interested lately in learning more about and using essential oils. This first started when Lisa Noel, from Oh Boy Oh Boy Oh Boy, introduced me to DoTERRA Essential [...]
First, I want to say how touched I was by all the support I received on my Transforming My Relationship with Food blog post. I know a lot of people want to start eating better and exercising more [...]
On December 27, 2014, I went onto Facebook and declared 2015 as the year I truly transform my relationship with food and my body. I have struggled with food for as long as I can remember. It has [...]
Thank You Best Buy for Sponsoring This Post. Part One * Part Two * Part Three This year, instead of creating my own holiday gift guide, I decided to partner with Best Buy and share some of their [...]