“Only as high as I reach can I grow,
only as far as I seek can I go,
only as deep as I look can I see,
only as much as I dream can I be.”
Karen Ravn ~

Welcome to the last segment of my Authentic Happiness Series. Be sure to read part one (self care), part two (home environment), and part three (community) and part four (career) if you missed them.

Design Your Life

Vision Board
Creative Commons License photo credit: amypalko

For the past 10 weeks we have been thinking about different aspects of ideal lifestyles. Today I’m going to encourage you to start pulling the different aspects of your ideal life together to create one holistic, integrated, and balanced lifestyle.

If it helps, refer back to the different questions within this series to guide you through this process. I know it may be hard, but assume money is not an issue. You can worry about how you are going to afford the picture of your ideal lifestyle after you create the vision.

Together we discussed…

  • Self Care
  • Home Environment
  • Community
  • Career

Other aspects for your ideal lifestyle can include…

  • Health
  • Family
  • Relationships
  • Enjoyment/Fun
  • Life Purpose/Life Calling
  • Stillness/Peace/Me Time
  • Connection with Your Authentic Self
  • Paying it forward (a cause or purpose)
  • Other  ______________

Are You Dreaming Big Enough?

Catching a Thought
Creative Commons License photo credit: h.koppdelaney

Once you have created the vision of your ideal lifestyle, I want you to ask yourself the following questions…

  • Where have you not dreamed big enough?
  • Where have you not been honest?
  • Are you holding back?
  • Which are the crucial elements for your life?
  • Which elements are aligned with your values?
  • Did you include what you want out of life or what other people want from you?

Reflect on these questions, highlight the things that are really important to you, and adjust your vision accordingly. Remember to dream authentically and to dream big!

Believe in Your Vision

Creative Commons License photo credit: spitfirelas

My hope is that you leave this post today with a sense of confidence that you can create your ideal lifestyle. It may take baby steps, but if you can believe in your vision, it can become your reality. Trusting your vision will empower you to take action towards your dreams.

  • Do you believe it is possible for you to have your ideal lifestyle?
  • Do you believe you deserve it?
  • Are you willing to make this dream really happen?

Determine Where to Start and Take Action

Creative Commons License photo credit: lyrabellacqua

Based on all the aspects of your ideal lifestyle, choose the area that is most important to you. Next, write down ten actions that need to be done to create your ideal lifestyle in that area. Make sure two things on your list can get done this week.

Create a Support System

Creative Commons License photo credit: rogiro

Find someone who you can talk to about this process. Have someone hold you accountable for your actions. I strongly recommend getting a life coach to keep you on track during this process.

call meLet me be your life coach. I promise to hold you accountable for your actions.

Email me at stacey AT createabalance DOT com to sign up for a free life coaching session. Make sure that you put FREE LIFE COACHING SESSION in the subject line.

Have Fun

Aaron and Emily.
Creative Commons License photo credit: Aaron Michael Brown

This is the game of life. Have fun, enjoy the process, and celebrate your life!

Any SARK Fans Out There?

SARK now offers Living Juicy Couching Sessions! Her couching sessions provide encouragement, solution-finding, and positive challenges with SARK (Susan Ariel Rainbow Kennedy). Couching contains elements of coaching, therapy and mentoring, and is designed to support and accelerate change. It is customized to each individual, and takes place on the telephone. You will love these sessions if you are committed to personal growth and transformation and if you willing and able to do the work necessary for change/growth to occur.


In the comments section, list the two things you are going to get done this week to begin building the lifestyle of your dreams.

This series has been inspired by the ICA design your life program.

Showing 27 comments
  • Since my goal is to try and slow down/ relax more, the two things I am going to do this week are:

    1. Get 8 hours of sleep each night.

    2. Get a massage! I haven’t gotten one in ages, and I have a gift card from Mother’s Day… I’m finally going to use it. 🙂

    Vered – MomGrind´s last blog post..A Rose Garden

  • Vered – I want to acknowledge you for committing to 2 action steps this week. Enjoy your rest and relaxation.

  • Hi Stacey,

    I love the poem! And you’re doing an admirable job in your career as life coach. I already have the lifestyle of my dreams… so it’s hard to think what else I could want. Perhaps a business that will take the world by storm? 😉

    Maybe I’ll take out my dream board and update it this week. Can I just start with that one thing instead of two?

    Daphne @ Joyful Days´s last blog post..20 Ways to Ruin A Relationship

  • Daphne – Your inner wisdom is pointing you towards your dream board, so I think you have answered your own question about only focusing on one thing this week. Enjoy working with your dreams.

  • Hi Stacey,
    I’m smiling. And in fact, I’m working with a life coach currently – and just finished a session last evening. For anyone on the fence on whether having a life coach is beneficial at all – from my personal experience, it is completely worth it. Just think – if this helps to lead you to where you want to be – this is priceless!

    So, I’m committed to writing a book. And two actions I can take this week toward that goal:
    1. Continue to write on the chapter I’m currently working on.
    2. Develop a pitch – a short 3 liner – that describes what this book will be all about.

    Writing this down – makes it all the more real for me. Stacey, thank you for this today.

    And I wish you only the best in your coaching endeavors! From what I’ve witnessed here, you are a gift to everyone who will embark on this journey into their life passion with you by their side…

    Lance´s last blog post..This Is Funtertainment

  • Lance – Yeah for Lance! I’m sitting here celebrating all of your current success with your book (and look forward to hearing your pitch). Having a life coach is powerful and helps you take action towards your dreams. I want to acknowledge you for moving forward on your dreams. Enjoy the process of watching your thoughts become a reality.

  • Your questions have me thinking. In fact, the two things I’m going to get done this week are:

    1. Finish my media brochure for Travelin’ Local
    2. Clean my desk of the clutter that has accumlated over the last few months.

    I love working in a clean area, and I’ve let this go on too long. The brochure is almost done, so I’m ready to move forward and start making some appointments.

    I’m excited.

    I still have a couple of other items that need a major “cleaning” but they are being tackled slowly but surely. Your questions helped a lot………………….:)

    LisaNewton´s last blog post..Travelin’ Local visits Robert Moses State Park – Long Island

  • Lisa – Your media brochure for Travelin’ Local sounds exciting (and thanks for the feedback). And FYI, your blog is looking amazing!

  • Wow! What a great series, and I loved all the videos and photos. It really brought this whole thing together.

    Way to go Stacey! 🙂

  • Great post! This week I’m going to (1) create an outline for my e-book and (2) read a new book to review on my site. Thanks for pushing me along! 🙂

    Positively Present´s last blog post..living my happily ever after now

  • Hi Stacey,

    I like your idea of listing just two things to get done this week. Instead of having a list that’s a mile long, picking only two makes it seem more realistic.

    For me, the two things I will accomplish are:
    1) Catch up on my filing (my least favorite job)
    2) Go for a walk every day – our weather is gorgeous.

    Thank you for the reminders, and this fabulous post.

    Barbara Swafford´s last blog post..Teaching The Art Of Persuasion

  • I just talked to someone today about joining my mastermind group. I’m in the process of a new life design. I stopped the process after moving to AZ. Moving here was a lifetime goal and it’s time for me to begin dreaming again.

    I love the poem at the beginning. And Lance writing a book. You just know that man will have a best seller!

    Tess The Bold Life´s last blog post..Mondays = 1/7 of Your Life

  • Thanks for this post. Here are two things I’m going to do in the near future:

    1) I’m going to self-publish a hard copy book. The book itself is done but it has been languishing as I search for an agent and publisher and I’ve been saying to myself “I need to wait until I have more public exposure.” But the time of waiting is over!
    2) I will write five more songs, because I love songwriting and it has not been a part of my life for too long.

  • Hi Stacey,

    Thanks for this wonderful series.
    This week I intended to start my day with the intention of happiness, good mood, serenity and fun. So far it has been working out pretty well.
    And I intend to start Christine Kane’s Uplevel your life program (http://www.uplevelyourlife.com/) which I have received.
    Yeah. So much going on. I have also signed up for one of her retreats in October and this is a big step for me. I am excited.

    Enjoy your week.

    Mindful Mimi´s last blog post..Progression, not perfection

  • Nathalie – Thanks. It was fun searching for all of the videos and photos for this series.

    Positively Present – Enjoy this week’s action items. They both sound exciting.

    Barbara – I’m all about baby steps and staying in the moment. Enjoy your walks and hopefully you can turn your filing into a fun activity.

    Tess – Cheers for dreaming again. It’s always fun to dream. And when Lance becomes a national best seller, we will be able to say “we knew him when…”

    Chris – I am celebrating the fact that your book is done. That is a huge accomplishment. And yes, the time to wait is over!

    Mimi – May all your days be filled with happiness, a good mood, serenity and fun.

  • In many ways, I am already living an ideal lifestyle. I need to keep the momentum of what I am doing going and stepping up. While I have thoughts about writing a book myself, I am in no rush either. My intuition tells me that it is not time yet.

    So for this week I am happy to be busy as and when I want to, meet up my clients for coffee as and when it is necessary to and do whatever I feel inclined to when it is time for some space.

    Have an awesome week,

    Evelyn Lim´s last blog post..Master Your Life Lessons

  • Hi there Stacey – dreaming big enough is something that has occurred to me I could be tuning into more – so thanks for bringing it up. Things are going really well for me at the moment, and I don’t want to change anything – but I think I need to do some brainstorming about the next leap!

    R x

    Robin´s last blog post..Wanting To Look Young

  • Evelyn – I want to acknowledge you for listening to your intuition.

    Robin – Enjoy your beautiful view and I look forward to hearing about your next leap. I am in the midst of leaping right now.

  • Hi Stacey, insightful reading. I always like topic about goal setting.

    The two things I am going to get done this week :
    1. Increasing the quality of my sleep.
    2. Spending more time with my wife and daughter.

    Thanks for sharing with us, Stacey. 🙂

    Arswino´s last blog post..14 Facts of Life You Must Know

  • Only two! That’s my problem… 🙂

    This week I’m

    1) marketing – the first book in my new series is done and available and I need to let people know and update my website.
    2) Writing – Working on a stress book for a company in Canada and need to get that up north end of week.

    Good luck with the coaching and congrats on the launch!!

    Stacey Shipman´s last blog post..Like to do vs. Want to do

  • Your reflections are inspirational. The graphics are also bold and beautiful. Love the way you encourage readers to reconnect with soul. Human beings only temporarily forget who they are. Everyone is on the path to self-healing and recovery on some level. As one grows aware of how and why he thinks as he does, this helps him move thought self-created obstacles grounded in fear. As you imply, everyone has the capacity to move through their own misplaced misunderstandings.

    Liara Covert´s last blog post..What if you live in parallel universes?

  • Arswino – Your 2 item list sounds blissful.

    Stacey Shipman – I know, I know, I know…Some much to do, so little time.

    Liara – I think it is critical for moms to connect with their evolving and growing sense of self. We may be moms, but we are also so much more.

  • Always look forward to your posts!! Setting goals are not so bad, it is sticking to them! Thank you for guidance on staying on track!!

  • Another amazing post! I know I have put limits on myself (this usually happens when I am tired and not practicing self care!)
    Are you dreaming big enough? This is a great question! It is imagination not knowledge that pushes us to the next level because we need to create something new! It may seem unbelievable because we have never experienced it (when I get this feeling I realize I am coming from my logical brain (left) not creative (right). Even Einstein said “Imagination is more important than knowledge.” this is because our power to create is already within us, we just need to get past (or ignore) all the negative chatter to unleash the power that is already within!
    There is only one ‘you’ and only you can create your own unique path so you can use your unique gifts to be of service to others. And I also believe when we are really in touch with ourselves we will discover what those gifts are and excel:) It is not work when we are doing what we were meant to do- unless you refer to ‘work’ as your life’s work, or an artist’s work.
    Wonderful post!

    Angie´s last blog post..0711ddebe7fd2b92.jpg

  • Stacey! Boy do I need this.

    My 2 of the 10 will be…

    1. Mail my CD to KUT radio contact for hopeful airplay and /or review.
    2. See who to contact about sending it to local Chronicle paper for a review.

    Hey, that was pretty easy.

    Gee, I feel great already! THANKS!!

    Jannie Funster´s last blog post..Jannie CD Give-Away (whoo-hoo!)

  • Julie – You’re right. Accountability is a must.

    Angie – May we all be energized and may we all practice self care!

    Jannie – Enjoy your marketing adventure. It’s exciting to watch you send out your ships and I look forward to hearing when they return filled with treasures.

  • Beautiful write up!

    I’m a fan of life by design over default. I like the way you kept fun and play a part of it. I think dreaming big to reach for the stars and having a support network to catch you when you fall helps everybody unleash their best.

    J.D. Meier´s last blog post..How To Design A Fulfilling Life