Dear One,

May you continue to laugh every day and share that beautiful wise heart of yours with friends and family in your life.

May you always remember to be kind, gentle, patient, and understanding with yourself and with others.

May you always trust the guidance of your inner knowing… even when other people think or say otherwise.

May you continue to ask for what you need and always feel safe and well cared for.

May you always remember that you are sacred – body, mind, heart, and soul.

May you share your unique gifts with the world and have your gifts celebrated.

And as you continue to grow into a young man, may you know who you are at your core. May you know how to take charge of and be responsible for your life, and have the internal strength to stand in your authentic power with compassion, confidence, and courage.

I am so grateful to be your mom. Thank you for being my sunshine, for always making me laugh, for letting me see your gentle soul, for being my teacher, and for expressing your full range of being Jonah.

I love you beyond measure.
