As 2020 approaches, I’m beginning to harvest and gather the wisdom I’ve received in 2019.

Gather the Wisdom

Some wisdom that has surfaced so far include:

Lean into Love.
Savor the Process.
Follow Your Heart.
Speak Your Truth.
Be Love. Only Love.
Root into Your Community.
Be an Alchemical Storyteller.
Your Heart is Your Power Center.
Celebrate Sacred Sisterhood Rituals.
Elevate Out of Time Induced Pressure.
Share Self-Love Wisdom with Every Child Imaginable.
Allow Yourself Moments of Having Your Breath Taken Away.
Don’t Underestimate Changing the World One Heart at a Time.
It’s Not About Having the Absence of Fear… It’s About the Presence of Courage.

Gather the wisdom of 2019.

What wisdom have you received so far?





Photo by Toa Heftiba on Unsplash